Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day (tomorrow)

It's Mother's Day again (tomorrow), and we are trying to figure out what to do for our mothers.

I told Joseph that we should take them all out to eat in one fell swoop, and git 'er done. I love my Mom very much, she's one of my best friends, and I love my MIL too. And now that I'm a Mama, I've joined the ranks of women on this celebratory day.

Maybe I'll come to enjoy it later, but for some reason "Mother's Day" just bugs me. I guess maybe because I feel a bit forced to celebrate and appreciate my mother(s), and now I feel like Eden's supposed to celebrate and appreciate me. Which is fine, it's just I feel that I try and do that all year long (and Eden does too), so why am I forced to do it this one day out of the year?

Anyway, regardless of my grumblings, I know it means a lot to the mothers in my life to show them how much I appreciate them for the hard work they've done for me and mine, as well as for just being themselves and being "moms". So this year, to save on money (because we're running out!) I've decided to give them flowers, or write them something, or maybe even sing a song.

So to all those moms out there, just know your kids do (or will if they don't currently) very much appreciate all the hours and hours of work and sweat and tears you put into making their lives amazing and helping them become the best people possible. Happy Mother's Day!

Update: We're taking all the mothers out to Red Robin!! (My favorite restaurant) I'll be going by Safeway or Freddy's to pick up some flowers =)

Here's what we're doing today, cause we're fighting colds:

Ah, guitar hero. You're our friend.

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